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May 17, 2024
2 min read

VS Code tools

Some usefull tools ive collected over the years

Yeah VS Code is great, or it isn’t. But here are some ways to imporve it none the less!

Vscode commands:

Ctrl + /: New comment

Alt + Shift + a: Wraps the currently selected text in comments

Alt+ z: makes lines not run off the screen

Ctrl + Shift + o: Removes all unneeded imports

Alt + UP/DOWN: Moves the selected line up and down

Ctrl + Alt + UP/DOWN: Makes multiple cursors

Ctrl + B: show or hide file manager

Alt + Shift + F: Auto formats selected text

Alt + Shift + DOWN: duplicate a line

Useful Extensions:

GitLens: Git Extension used for visualizing and updating changes to file in Git repositories

ESLint: JavaScript Code analysis tool that can be used to identify problems before runtime

Prettier: A Extension that allows for the best code formatting (Alt + Shift + F)

MobileView: opens a emulated mobile device view where you can see your webapp running on mobile devices

Even Better Toml: .toml file support plugin

VS Code Icons: Adds icons to all of your files in the file browser

TODO Tree: Adds a todo searcher that looks through all your documents for the keyword TODO

Live server: launches a live server for your HTML files (No need for React as it is built in)

File-tree-generator: Generates a file tree for your projects so you can input it into a README

Path Intellisense: Intellisense for file paths

Security Commands:

Mega-Linter: Amazing safety linter that works with almost every language,

 npx mega-linter-runner --flavor javascript  -e 'SHOW_ELAPSED_TIME=true'

Change the “flavor” to change the linting language