Yeah VS Code is great, or it isn’t. But here are some ways to imporve it none the less!
Vscode commands:
Ctrl + /: New comment
Alt + Shift + a: Wraps the currently selected text in comments
Alt+ z: makes lines not run off the screen
Ctrl + Shift + o: Removes all unneeded imports
Alt + UP/DOWN: Moves the selected line up and down
Ctrl + Alt + UP/DOWN: Makes multiple cursors
Ctrl + B: show or hide file manager
Alt + Shift + F: Auto formats selected text
Alt + Shift + DOWN: duplicate a line
Useful Extensions:
GitLens: Git Extension used for visualizing and updating changes to file in Git repositories
ESLint: JavaScript Code analysis tool that can be used to identify problems before runtime
Prettier: A Extension that allows for the best code formatting (Alt + Shift + F)
MobileView: opens a emulated mobile device view where you can see your webapp running on mobile devices
Even Better Toml: .toml file support plugin
VS Code Icons: Adds icons to all of your files in the file browser
TODO Tree: Adds a todo searcher that looks through all your documents for the keyword TODO
Live server: launches a live server for your HTML files (No need for React as it is built in)
File-tree-generator: Generates a file tree for your projects so you can input it into a README
Path Intellisense: Intellisense for file paths
Security Commands:
Mega-Linter: Amazing safety linter that works with almost every language,
npx mega-linter-runner --flavor javascript -e 'SHOW_ELAPSED_TIME=true'
Change the “flavor” to change the linting language